Strawberry “fruit roll ups”

We laugh a lot in our house.  To be honest it’s often laughing at me rather than with me but that’s okay ’cause I have a good time either way.   I like to dance and sing in the kitchen while I prepare healthy snacks for us.  I just recently discovered snap chat (yes I’m a bit behind).  I discovered it because my daughter decided to record my dance session and put it up on Snapchat.  Apparently I was quite the hit (or joke, I’m not sure which) amongst her friends.  Oh well, I had fun, so did she.  And she’s been properly schooled in all things Blondie.

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My teenage daughter has learned that there is a huge difference between the store bought roll ups and ours. She says the store bought ones taste “fake” and she won’t eat them.  Much like she won’t eat “fake” cheese, but that’s a post for another day.

These roll ups are SOOOO easy to make and they help me with sugar cravings.  I also take them to the movies and on car trips when those around me will have sugary treats.  It helps me not feel so hard done by.  Think camping trips and sporting events.  Really anywhere I might find myself with the need for a sugary tasting treat is when you will find me packing this goodness into my bag.

I really don’t have a recipe for this, I just throw it all in and taste as I go.  But the basics are:

  • 4 cups fruit (I use frozen fruit and I prefer strawberries, mango, pineapple or blueberries.  Berries with chunkier seeds can be annoying to work with here)
  • 1 banana (helps get them to the right thickness, so they aren’t too runny)
  • 2 tbsp organic local raw honey
  • 1-2 tsp maca (optional)
  • 2 tbsp (or more) collagen (optional)

I put the fruit in a pot on low heat to thaw.  Once in a blue moon I remember what I am doing and take the fruit out of the freezer earlier and let it thaw on the countertop.  Once thawed in to my favourite kitchen gadget it goes, the Vitamix.  I add the banana, honey and any other items I like.  Blend, and taste.  You can add more honey if you like.  I try to use as little as possible.  Sugars of any kind don’t tend to help my inflammation and joint pain.  Some people tolerate them just fine but sugar tends to make my fingers and wrists quite sore.

When everything is all blended and you are happy with the level of sweetness, pour the fruit mixture on to a dehydrator silicone sheet.  If you don’t have the dehydrator sheet, parchment paper works well.

Set your dehydrator setting to fruit, it usually take about 4-6 hours depending on the thickness of the mixture.

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My daughters favourite part is peeling them off the dehydrator sheet.  Peel them off the silicone, lay the tacky fruit leather on parchment paper and cut in to strips, then roll!

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